Saki's 研究记录

Vue 报错: The template root requires exactly one element
问题工程里有这么一段代码: 1234<template> <img id="logo" alt="Wails logo" src="./assets/images/logo-universal.png"/> <HelloWorld/></template> IDE 提示错误信息: The template root requires exactly one element. 原因这是因为 vue的模版中只能有一个根节点,所以在 <template>中插入第二...
git pull 报错 fatal: 拒绝合并无关的历史
问题在 git仓库中新建了一个仓库,想要把本地的工程目录推送上去: 123git initgit add .git commit "提交说明" 添加远程 git仓库: 1git remote add origin https://<access_token> 推送到远程仓库: 1git push origin main 提示错误: 1234567git push -u origin mainTo ! [rejected] ...
Ansible provisioning ERROR! Using a SSH password instead of a key is not possible
避免 Ansible 无法存取第一次登录的 Server问题最近使用 ansible批量管理服务器,这批机器都没在我本机登录过,在首次运行 ansible-playbook操作时出现报错: 1fatal: [cache_01]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Using a SSH password instead of a key is not possible because Host Key checking is enabled and sshpass does not support this. Please add t...
Docker Error standard_init_linux.go exec user process caused exec formaterror
背景最近写了些python脚本打算把它们都扔到Docker里面去跑。写完Dockerfile测试好,push上服务器运行时报错了。 12WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/arm64/v8) does not match the detected host platform (linux/amd64) and no specific platform was requestedstandard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error ...
Golang 1.18 报错:linkname must refer to declared function or variable
问题最近在mac上升级golang到1.18版本,新建gin服务执行go run时报错: 123456789101112# //go:linkname must refer to declared function or variable../../../../go/pkg/mod/
Node Sass does not yet support apple m1, Big Sur and arm64
问题换了M1芯片的MBP, 最近在原有Vue项目中执行命令编译打包: 1npm run build:prod 遇到了以下报错: 12345error in ./src/styles/index.scssError: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: OS X Unsupported architecture (arm64) with Unsupported runtime (93)For more information on which environments are supported please ...
(MAC Big Sur 12.1) ImportError: dlopen libpq
问题在python脚本中连接postgres时遇到以下问题: 12345678Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/shenshijie/Documents/app/postgres/", line 2, in <module> import psycopg2 File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/psycopg2/", line 51, in <module>...
docker-compose部署postgres并解决connection refused错误
One of the biggest benefits of using docker for me has been the fact that it makes developing code with databases much simpler. 每当我想构建一个项目的时,倾向于使用postgres作为数据库。在Docker还没出现前,需要手动安装postgres到我本地机器,拉起服务,创建数据库表,创建指定的用户和对应的权限,最后在本地拉起项目来测试和开发。整个流程下来几个小时就过去了。 Docker出现后,事情变得异常简单。特别是在配合docker-compose使用后,...
[解决] error/0308010C/digital envelope routines//unsupported
坏境 OS 版本: Mac OS Monterey 12.1nodejs 版本:v17.3.1npm 版本:8.1.0nvm 版本:0.39.1 问题Hello Guys, How are you all? Hope You all Are Fine.今天心血来潮把node更新到了最新版本,当我用vue create demo-vue 命令创建了个新工程,运行npm run serve时出现报错: 1opensslErrorStack: [ 'error:03000086:digital envelope routines::initialization error'...