介绍Tiny Clicker @ App Store
Tiny Clicker 是一款小巧实用的键鼠辅工具软件。
IntroductionTiny Clicker @ App Store
Supports Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, English, French, and Spanish.
FeaturesTiny Clicker is a small and practical utility software for keyboard and mouse assistance.It can automatically click the left/middle/right mouse button a...
Supports Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Japanese.
Unlock your productivity with NinjaCursor, allowing effortless mouse navigation between screens with a single shortcut key!
Promotional messageNinjaCursor: Easy Switching Between Multiple Screens
NinjaCursor allows yo...
Supports Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Japanese.
Tiny Screenshot Clicker @AppStoreThis macOS application combines powerful functionality with an intuitive interface, allowing you to easily automate various tasks. Whether it’s automatic screen search and click based on...
Tiny Trans @ App Store
Support Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and English
Program IntroductionTiny-Trans is a macOS application designed for bidirectional conversion between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
The program supports bidirectional conversion between Traditional ...
Tiny Trans @ App Store
联系方式应用使用有任何问题或建议,欢迎邮件联系: sakishum1118@...
IntroductionBatch-Rename @AppStore
Supports English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Japanese.
Your efficient solution for quick and safe batch file renaming. Streamline your workflow by easily renaming multiple files.
Promotional messageFeatures:
Safe and Reliable: Batch-R...
Learn Lua in 15 Minutes by Tyler Neylon 中文版
问题在 github 上 clone 下来了个项目,结构组织很简单就两个文件,类似 main.go 和 a.go。main 函数在 main.go 中, 并且在 main 函数中调用了 a.go 中的函数。
执行 go run main.go 时报错:
1234> go run main.go# command-line-arguments./main.go:15:9: undefined: funcA...
但执行 go build 却不会报错,且生成可执行文件功能正常。
原因报错原因是 go run 会先进行编译操作, 但在编译时只会以 main.go 为准, 导致引用其他文件...
背景centos7 已经在2024年6月30日,生命周期结束,官方不再进行支持维护,如果使用官方yum源下载环境服务,会报404。这里提供了可用的yum源及配置教程,教程非常简单,连接服务器SSH后,按照教程步骤执行完命令即可。
步骤备份当前 Yum 源在更换 Yum 源之前,建议先备份当前的 Yum 源配置文件,以防万一。执行以下命令:
1mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.backup
这将备份当前的 Yum 源配置文件为 CentOS-Base.repo.bak。
下载新的 Y...